sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Foo Fighters announced his "last concert" and planted the doubt - NTV

The words of Dave Grohl after a concert in England sparked a wave of fear among his fans on Twitter and other networks on the internet.

The group is present? on Sunday in Reading, England, and at the end of the concert the singer told attendees that the tour of your m?s recent album "Wasting Light", ser?a ?ltima, causing various reactions among his followers.

If outside little, l?nea NME music magazine said Tuesday the Foo Fighters presented his "?ltimo concert in a long time", but a person close to the aclar? band todav?a have several scheduled concerts.

The person said that the words of Grohl were misinterpreted and agreg? under condici?n stay in anonymity, that the Group has four concerts in United States in September.

Despu?s that the band is tomar? a time to rest, "after being on tour in the world for an a?o", agreg? the person.

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